Msgr. Rumen Stanev
President of Caritas Bulgaria and Chairman of the Management Board
Msgr. Rumen Stanev was elected as a President of Caritas Bulgaria during the 39th Extraordinary National Conference of the Federation, which was held on November 4, 2020 in Sofia. He is also a chairman of the Management Board of Caritas Vitania. On September 5, 2020, Pope Francis proclaimed him for an Auxiliary Bishop of the Sofia-Plovdiv diocese for Latin Catholics in Sofia.
Msgr. Strahil Kavalenov
Board Member of Caritas Bulgaria
Msgr. Strahil Kavalenov is also a Chairman of the Management Board of Caritas Ruse, as well as an Apostolic Administrator of the Nikopol Diocese of the Catholic Church in Bulgaria.
Fr. Michal Szlachciak
Board Member of Caritas Bulgaria
Father Michal Shlahtsyak is also a manager of Caritas Bourgas, a member of the Managing Board of Caritas Sofia, as well as a parish priest in Bourgas.