Rights and obligations of aliens granted protection

Фотография: Ивелина Берова

Any alien may request protection under the Asylum and Refugees Act in the Republic of Bulgaria. Aliens seeking or having received protection in the Republic of Bulgaria have the rights and obligations under this Act and bear civil, administrative and criminal liability under the conditions and procedure applicable for the Bulgarian citizens.

  1. An alien who has been granted refugee status acquires the rights and obligations of a Bulgarian citizen with the exception of:
    • the right to participate in elections to state and local authorities, in national and local referendums, as well as to participate in the creation and membership of political parties;
    • to hold positions for which Bulgarian citizenship is required by law;
    • to be conscripted in the army;
    • other restrictions expressly provided by law.

    An alien with refugee status may acquire Bulgarian citizenship under the terms and conditions of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act. He/she is also entitled to ask to meet his/her family on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The permission for family reunification is granted by the chairperson of the State Agency for Refugees.

  2. An alien who has been granted humanitarian status acquires the rights and obligations of an alien with a permanent residence permit. He/she may acquire Bulgarian citizenship under the terms and conditions of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act. He/she is also entitled to ask to meet his/her family on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The permission for family reunification is granted by the chairperson of the State Agency for Refugees.

  3. An alien who has been granted asylum acquires rights and obligations such as those of a refugee. He/she has the right to ask to meet his/her family on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The permission for family reunification is granted by the chairperson of the State Agency for Refugees.

  4. An alien who has been granted temporary protection acquires the following rights and obligations:

    • to remain on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
    • to work and vocational training;
    • to appropriate accommodations or accommodation facilities, if necessary;
    • to social assistance;
    • to emergency medical care;
    • to freely return to their country of origin;
    • to receive the rules on the protection provided in understandable language;
    • if he/she belongs to a vulnerable group, to receive the necessary medical or other services, under the terms and conditions provided for the Bulgarian citizens;
    • if he/she applies for international protection, he/she can not enjoy the rights of an alien in international protection proceedings;
    • to reunite his/her family: with a spouse and with children under marriage and married children, with the family receiving all rights to the beneficiaries of temporary protection.

    Upon reunification of the family in another EU Member State, the alien ceases to enjoy the rights associated with temporary protection in Bulgaria.