Inclusion in the labor market
According to the European legal framework, EU members must grant access to the labor market to persons seeking protection no later than 9 months from the date when they applied for protection. In Bulgaria, this period is currently 3 months.
Directive 2011/95/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council states that beneficiaries of international protection have unrestricted access to the labor market and the right to professional support, such as vocational training.
If the international protection grantee has entered into an integration agreement, according to the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for conclusion, implementation and termination of the agreement for the integration of aliens enjoying asylum or international protection (Ordinance on integration agreements) of July 19, 2017:
- Article 7. Access to employment includes: informing and consulting on vacancies; Assistance in providing employment for an employer or for self-employment; Inclusion in employment policies, including those aged 16 years and under the terms and conditions laid down in the labor law, with a view to their special protection.
- Article 14. The mayor of the host municipality or an official appointed thereby shall provide assistance for access to administrative services as well as upon registration with the Labor Office.
- Article 17. With the integration agreement, the international protection grantee is obliged to: accept the appropriate work and/or inclusion in adult employment programs and measures, as well as in programs and projects with an integration purpose.
Vocational training opportunities: a person who has been granted protection in Bulgaria must have a registration at the Labor Office in order to be enrolled in vocational training, as well as a minimum of completed 4th grade (for 1st grade professions). Without a document certifying the corresponding level of education, protected people cannot be included in vocational training organized by the Labor Office.
Pursuant to Article 8, paragraph 4 of the Vocational Education and Training Act, the incoming minimum level of education for acquiring the respective degrees of professional qualification is:
- for Ist grade:
- completed VI class for pupils;
- completed initial stage of basic education or a successfully completed literacy course under the Employment Promotion Act for people over 16 years of age;
- for grades II and III: completed VII grade or primary education;
- for grade IV: completed secondary education.
For the recognition of foreign diplomas for tertiary education: unregulated professions – a person who has received protection should contact the National Center for Information and Documentation.
For the recognition of foreign diplomas for completed higher education: regulated professions – the responsible institution is determined by the acquired profession. For example, for a medical profession, a person who has been granted a status must contact the Ministry of Health.
When recognizing foreign secondary education diplomas, a person who has received protection should contact the Regional Education Authority. This may be necessary in cases where a person who has been granted protection wants to have a Bulgarian driving license.
When a person receiving protection is employed, he or she should open a bank account. In some banks, in addition to a Bulgarian personal document, it is required a valid passport issued by the country of origin (Unicredit Bulbank). In other banks, it is required a Bulgarian personal document and a Bulgarian travel certificate (DSK Bank), and in third banks it is enough to present only a Bulgarian personal document to open a bank account (Piraeus Bank).
Right to work, according to the acquired status:
A person seeking protection:
- Right to work: has the right to work, three months after filing an application for protection.
- Required documents: a registration card issued by the State Refugee Agency, as well as an official note certifying his/her right to work; A conviction certificate: cannot be issued to them, the state guarantees for them.
- Employment contract and social security: a labor contract is concluded, as with any Bulgarian citizen. The difference is that the state provides for health care. The employment contract must be renewed every time the registration card is renewed, i.e. every 3 months.
A person who has been granted refugee status:
- Right to work: has a right to work.
- Required documents: ID card; certificate of conviction issued by the Ministry of Justice.
- Employment contract: the same legislation applies as to every Bulgarian citizen.
A person with humanitarian status:
- Right to work: has a right to work.
- Required documents: ID card; certificate of conviction issued by the Ministry of Justice.
- Employment contract: the same legislation applies as to every Bulgarian citizen.