Strategic Framework of Caritas Bulgaria 2013 – 2020

The Strategic Framework of Caritas Bulgaria is adopted by the National Conference after a proposal made by the Board (article 19, p.2 from the Regulations). Following the adopted framework the Board of Caritas Bulgaria agrees on an Action Plan for the current year, annually. The Action Plan includes: specific activities, indicators, people in charge, and deadlines. It is presented for information and discussion at the National Conference of Caritas Bulgaria.


Caritas Bulgaria advocates for social justice and sustainable social systems in Bulgaria.

Caritas Bulgaria advocates for social justice, national policies and financial programs using the capacity of the Caritas network which is united in common national causes.

Caritas supports underprivileged people in the country by its member organizations and their local structures providing services and humanitarian aid responding to the needs of people.

Strategic goal 1.1 – POLICY DEVELOPMENT

Caritas Bulgaria has policy documents for each of its causes. Those are based on the Christian principals and are supported from the Catholic Church.

Strategic goal 1.2. – LOBBYING

Caritas Bulgaria actively participates in discussions and lobbying for improving the social justice and sustainability of the systems which support the quality of living in Bulgaria.

Strategic goal 1.3. – PUBLIC CAMPAIGNS

Caritas Bulgaria organizes annually at least one public campaign in support of a specific cause. The goal is to get members of the civil society involved in an attempt to achieve social justice and sustainability of the systems which support the quality of living.

Strategic goal 1.4. – COMPASSION IN ACTION

Caritas Bulgaria supports the network in the country with information, encouraging a dialog for available tools, documents, innovative and preventive approaches for support of the people in need.

PRIORITY 2. Sustainable network

Caritas Bulgaria has a flexible and sustainable network of structures and organizations united by the social school of the Catholic Church. 

The network of Caritas Bulgaria reacts flexibly and sustainably to the people in need in Bulgaria.

The network of Caritas, in partnership with other structures of the Catholic Church, knows well the needs and the capacities in the community where it is represented (including parishes without Caritas organizations).

Caritas Bulgaria is an organization of followers motivated by the Christians principles and values.

The Bulgarian society recognizes Caritas and the Catholic Church as a unified and sustainable structure.

Caritas actively participates in the activities and the structures of Caritas Internationalis developing its capacity and adding experience and expertise.

Strategic goal 2.1. – OBSERVATION:

Caritas Bulgaria observes and makes proposals focused on a national cause based on the needs in the community.

Strategic goal 2.2. – DEVELOPMENT

Caritas Bulgaria in partnership with the other structures of the Catholic Church knows well its own capacity and develops it.

Strategic goal 2.3. – TRAINING DELIVERY

Motivated and trained workers work in Caritas network – on contract or voluntary base.

Strategic goal 2.4. – PROMOTION

Caritas Bulgaria is a sustainable network of the Catholic Church and is recognized by the society.