“Equal in being different” – about integration as reality and opportunities

Here is the latest issue of Caritas Bulgaria, which is dedicated to the integration of refugees – “Equal in our differences”. The publication provides basic information to serve as guidance in policy integration, rights and obligations, access to education, health and social services, housing, labour market, Bulgarian language training. An emphasis is also placed on the difficulties and challenges in the integration process, with Caritas recommendations and proposals for taking action to ensure a successful integration.

Alongside the publication, Caritas Bulgaria has designed a multi-language web platform (www.welcome.caritas.bg), providing information in Bulgarian, English, Farsi, Dari and Arabic. The web platform aims to help refugees by posting important information about their rights and obligations as well as to help change negative public attitudes by showing the human face of people fleeing the war and seeking a safe place to reboot their lives. Posts also include publications and training aids prepared by Caritas for the benefit of refugees.