BGN 3589 raised in support of the elderly through Caritas charity donations within Sofia Airport

Sofia Airport is a partner of Caritas Bulgaria in our efforts to help the elderly to live their old age with dignity. Through Caritas donations located within the airport, for the period January-November 2016, donations amounting to BGN 3589 were collected for the cause “Home Care for the Elderly and Sick People”. Funds that will support the mobile Caritas Home Care teams in providing professional health and social care in the homes of elderly sick people.

In the first six months of 2016, nurses and social assistants at Caritas Home Care Centers in Ruse, Belene, Malko Tarnovo, Rakovski, Zhitnitsa, Sofia and Plovdiv provided comprehensive (health and social) care in a home environment of 331 sick elderly people. They have implemented:

  •     15,793 visits to the home, including 7929 for bed-stricken sick people;
  •     41 322 medical care;
  •     28 898 basic services (body care);
  •     27,775 social services.

Care for the elderly is not a temporary activity, to which we, Caritas, show temporary commitment. This is an initiative to which we are committed with the unconditional belief that it makes sense and the elderly people need it. For more than 14 years, we have maintained Caritas’ Housekeeping Service, thanks to which:

  •     The elderly person lives his old age in his own home.
  •     The elderly person receives care and support from specialists.
  •     Preventing the admission of the elderly to hospitals and specialized institutions such as nursing homes.
  •     The elderly person receives care, attention and understanding in their home, and thus peace, coziness and security that they most need in their everyday life.

The small gesture can turn a noble cause into real and lasting help for the elderly. Thanks to Sofia Airport and to all those who, through their donation gesture, helped an elderly man to live their old age with dignity, care and affection. Thank you for helping together!