New Markets

The project Employ Yourself continues steadily with the implementation of the online Mentorship programme on innovation “Support to Sustainable Economic Development”. On December 9th it was held the third Webinar “New Markets”. It was led by Ms. Maria Rita Fiasco, founder of Gruppo Pragma, who spoke about the impact of the Internet on changing markets, pointing out that markets are conversations and that the human voice cannot be replaced by technology. The emphasis of the webinar was on topics related to how markets have evolved over time, how to anticipate new needs and new markets, as well as on the development of social value proposals for new markets and new beneficiaries.

Defining and designing an effective social value proposition means to give sense to the “why”, the pains and the gains of all “personas” behind the stakeholders map, to create connections and engagement. Special focus was given also on the experiences of economy involving individuals, in which consumption is no longer predominantly directed towards tangible good, but rather towards totalizing experiences. From Feed back to feedback process Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. Repeating questions – What are opinions of persons, what could influence them, what are their pains and gains. All of this is created by a new perspective of looking which includes together economy and empathy in one large landscape.

The Webinar was attended by 31 participants from 9 countries. It was targeting social entrepreneurs, young people and organisations dealing with youth, wishing to transform their methods of social intervention in order to improve the management of resources in a sustainable and innovative way.

At the end of this series of Webinar, all the participants will receive a mini-manual with all the instruments and topics presented during the Mentorship programme on innovation.