International design contest
Caritas organizations from South-East Europe, together with Caritas Italiana and Caritas Bulgaria, invite all interested parties to take part in a design contest launched within the mental health anti-stigma campaign under the slogan
Campaign is being realized within the initiative SOCIETIES on the occasion of 10th October, World Mental Health Day.
The project SOCIETIES is a regional project financed by the European Commission and is implemented in 5 countries of South-East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia, white expertise and good practices from EU member countries, Italy and Bulgaria. SOCIETIES is a regional alliance for social inclusion of 16 CSOs at European level with the goal to empower the networks, CSOs and grass-roots organization in participation in public debate and dialogue with authorities, enhancing their expertise and know-how in order to influence policy-making processes and promote social inclusion policies.
Every human being can face a feeling of isolation, loneliness, anxiety, or emotional discomfort. These are usually short-term reactions to different life situations. However, the duration and intensity of feelings or changed cognitive patterns can make ordinary defense mechanisms no longer sufficient. In this case, most effective are specialized therapy and community support. However, due to the stigma, feeling of shame or fear of misunderstanding, social condemnation and exclusion, most people do not ask for help.
It is estimated that about 450 million people suffer from some kind of a mental disorder. Mental disorders can affect anyone, anytime, regardless of age, sex, intelligence, education, income.
There are three types of stigma:
- Public or social stigma, referring to public misconceptions toward individuals with mental health problems.
- Individual stigma, resulting from a person’s internalization of the public’s negative perceptions.
- Institutional stigma, occurring when policies regarding mental health unreasonably limit the opportunities of an individual.
The goal of “IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE” campaign is to raise awareness and reduce stigmatization, prejudice and discrimination and to underline importance of prevention of mental disorders.
The right to participation is given to all persons who deliver their art-graphic solution.
An art-graphic solution can be created in the form of graphic illustrations, drawings, caricatures, posters, etc. and should be an original and follow the slogan of the campaign “IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE”. Furthermore it should promote equality, respect, understanding and support for people with mental disabilities. A graphic solution must not be offensive and/or discriminating to any group of people or individuals.
An art-graphic solution should be submitted in PDF format by September 30, 2018 to email address
In addition to the proposed solutions, potential authors should provide personal information: name, surname, country, email address, phone number.
The selected art-works, with the author’s signature, will be used for campaigning and promoting mental health.
The selection of the winning proposals will be done through online voting at
The winners will be announced on 10th of October 2018 at
The 3 winning authors will be awarded with:
- Tablet;
- GoPro camera;
- External hard drive.
Notice: Selected authors are committed to giving all property rights to Caritas.
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