Caritas Bulgaria is a federation of independent diocesan Catholic organizations. As a structure of the Catholic Church, Caritas places in the core of its focus people from the “global periphery” who live in poverty and suffering and who need care and support so that they can have a life of dignity. Therefore, the federation supports its member organizations: Caritas Vitaniya, Caritas Rousse and Caritas Sofia, in carrying out social activity through their local structures.

The Vitaniya Charity Catholic Organization (Caritas Vitaniya) was established in 2011 by the Eparchy of Sofia and Plovdiv and was registered as a non-profit legal entity performing activity in favour of society. It is member of the Caritas Bulgaria National Catholic Federation. As a charity organization of the Catholic Church, Caritas Vitaniya continues the healing mission of Jesus Christ, devoting itself to the people in need and taking care of them.
Lead by the Christian virtues: love for one’s fellowmen, justice and charity, Caritas Vitaniya affirms life’s sanctity, stands up for the poor and serves in favour of common welfare. In all our actions and interactions, we try to approach each individual with justice, honesty and respect for their dignity.
Town of Rakovski 4150;
2а, Nikola Vaptsarov Street
+359 886 399 115
The Rousse Catholic Organization (Caritas Ruse) was established in 1992 as a charity organization of the Catholic Church in Bulgaria with scope of activity within the Eparchy of Nikopol (North Bulgaria).
The organization is registered as an association performing activity in favour of society under No.20031112013 in the Central Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities with the Ministry of Justice and it performs the social activity of the Catholic Church within the Eparchy, coordinating and harmonizing its activity with the recommendations of the Bishop of Nikopol, Monsignor Petko Hristov.
Lead by the Christian virtues: love for one’s fellowmen, justice and charity, Caritas Vitaniya affirms life’s sanctity, stands up for the poor and serves in favour of the common welfare. In all our actions and interactions, we try to approach each individual with justice, honesty and respect for their dignity.
You may find information about the mission, structure, management, social services, projects and policies of Caritas Ruse at:
Ruse 7005, 10 Baykal Str.
+359 882 071 603
Who are we?
Caritas Sofia is a charity organization of the Catholic Eparchia “San Giovanni XXIII” in Bulgaria established to perform charitable deeds on its behalf and to inspire respect and love.
Our mission
Love for our fellowmen directs us to people in need. Relying on our Christian values, we, the employees and volunteers from Caritas Sofia, support the most vulnerable members of our society in finding their path to a worthy and fair life, regardless of their religious affiliation, race, gender and other differences. Caritas Sofia expresses the social teaching of the Catholic Church.
Caritas Sofia was established on August 31, 1993, it was registered by Sofia City Court on April 20, 1994 and it was registered in the Register of the Ministry of Justice under No.20030416009 as a non-profit legal entity – an association intended to perform activity in favour of society. During the 90-ies, the organization was focused on urgent humanitarian assistance aimed at survival at the time of the economic crisis. The beginning of the new century marked the development of long-term care. For the purpose, Caritas Sofia was registered with the Social Assistance Agency and the State Child Protection Agency as a licensed provider of a number of social services.
Who do we take care of?
All men have been been created after God’s image and we see God in their face. Following the words of Jesus Christ: „Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me“, we care of those who suffer most, just as we would have cared of Him. We have no funds of our own, so we cannot help in any individual cases. We support old people, people with disabilities, vulnerable children and families, refugees, people addicted to psycho-active substances, disadvantaged women, homeless people. We also provide assistance to people who wish to help as volunteers.
We maintain the following types of stationary care:
- 2 daily centres for old people
- 1 daily centre for old people with disabilities
- 1 centre for social rehabilitation and integration of children and youths with disabilities
- 3 centres for public support – complex care for children and families
- 1 centre for accommodation of pregnant women and mothers at risk to abandon their children
- 1 social centre for disadvantaged women
- 1 centre for social rehabilitation and integration of refugees and asylum seekers
Our mobile terrain work is expressed in:
- 4 teams for home care of old people
- 1 team for street care of homeless people
- 1 team for street care of people addicted to psycho-active substances
- 2 teams for control and prevention of tuberculosis among refugees and youths at risk
- 1 team for support of Roma children whose parents work abroad
- 1 team of volunteers for educational activities with children and adult refugees
Where do we work?
The headquarters of the organization are in Sofia, the activities are developed at the places where the Catholic Apostolic Exarchy is presented: Sofia, Plovdiv, Bourgas, Malko Turnovo, Kouklen and Pokrovan (Municipality of Ivaylovgrad), as well as in Banya (Municipality of Nova Zagora), Vesselinovo (Municipality of Toundzha).
Organizational structure
The supreme body of the Association is the General Assembly. In it, two representatives of each of the parish volunteer structures of Caritas Sofia in Plovdiv, Bourgas, Kouklen and Malko Turnovo participate. The General Assembly elects 3-member Board of Directors which appoints Executive Director.
Our collaborators
The activities organized by us are accomplished by nearly 80 paid employees and more than 100 volunteers. As with the people we are helping, here, religious affiliation does not matter, too. The important thing for the people is to observe Christian ethics.
Sofia 1309, Ilinden Residential Area, bl. 55, ent. V, apt.47