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Caritas Bulgaria is a federation of independent diocesan Catholic organizations. As a structure of the Catholic Church, Caritas places in the core of its focus people from the “global periphery” who live in poverty and suffering and who need care and support so that they can have a life of dignity. Therefore, the federation supports its member organizations: Caritas Vitaniya, Caritas Rousse and Caritas Sofia, in carrying out social activity through their local structures.

Caritas Vitania

The Vitaniya Charity Catholic Organization (Caritas Vitaniya) was established in 2011 by the Eparchy of Sofia and Plovdiv and was registered as a non-profit legal entity performing activity in favour of society. It is member of the Caritas Bulgaria National Catholic Federation. As a charity organization of the Catholic Church, Caritas Vitaniya continues the healing mission of Jesus Christ, devoting itself to the people in need and taking care of them.

Lead by the Christian virtues: love for one’s fellowmen, justice and charity, Caritas Vitaniya affirms life’s sanctity, stands up for the poor and serves in favour of common welfare. In all our actions and interactions, we try to approach each individual with justice, honesty and respect for their dignity.

Town of Rakovski 4150;
2а, Nikola Vaptsarov Street
 +359 886 399 115