Social Economy

Rozhdestvo Hristovo: Since 2005 in support of disadvantaged women in Sofia the social enterprise Rozhdestvo Hristovo has been functioning at the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration of Caritas Sofia. The Center bears the same name (Rozhdestvo Hristovo). Felt and textile souvenirs are manufactured in the social enterprise by hand with custom design.

CaritArt: Starting from June 1st, 2018 in support of young people with disabilities and their parents in Sofia, has been functioning the social enterprise CaritArt at the Blagoveshtenie Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration of Children and Young People with Disabilities of Caritas Sofia. “CaritArt” works in the field of applied arts and manufactures greeting cards for official and personal holidays. It creates hand-made cards on order under individual projects and offers cards, also by catalogue. It manufactures and prints popular cards with a cause with paintings of artists with disabilities.

Caritas Workshop: Starting from November 25th, 2018 in support of people in vulnerable situations in the town of Rakovski has been functioning the social enterprise Caritas Workshop at Caritas Vitania. In it hand soaps are manufactured by the method “melt and pour” as well as hand-made candles made by melting wax and casting it into molds.

Caristo: For vulnerable groups of people in Sofia there is a bistro “Caristo” of Caritas Sofia, offering delicious traditional food. The social enterprise enables people in a vulnerable situation to improve their professional skills and earn income.

Social farming: in the town of Rakovski, Caritas Vitania is engaged in social and entrepreneurial activity related to planting of crops and their cultivation. The collected funds from the production are used for the activities of Caritas Vitania in support of vulnerable groups of people.